Welcome, I'm Amanda
I'm excited you're here.
Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
In 2023, I grossed $183k from therapy alone. ~$51k of that income was from therapy intensives (~28%).
When it comes to all the ways therapists can make money, the beauty of intensives is that you already know what you’re doing! You don’t have to learn new systems or create a course or market yourself in a totally different way.
While raising your hourly rate is GREAT, and you should absolutely be charging what you’re worth (or just what you need), you can only schedule so many weekly clients without burning out.
The amazing thing about intensives is that they’re JUST extended therapy.
And you might ask, “Well, why not add on coaching or a different income stream now and maybe do intensives down the line?”
You do what works best for you. But, in my opinion, intensives are the EASIEST and most EFFICIENT way to bring in more income.
You may not even have to market this new service right away. My advice to therapists adding on intensives is to pitch to your CURRENT clients — just send an email, let them know that you’re offering a new service, and gauge who’s interested.
Your current clients already trust you, and if you can show them how intensives will accelerate their healing so they can feel better faster, you’ll be booking your first package in no time.
Just one intensive therapy package a month could increase your yearly income by tens of thousands of dollars. And, you could start bringing in that income within the next few months… whereas new marketing tactics, courses, and even raising your hourly rates won’t have the same turnaround time.
I totally understand the hesitation and the imposter syndrome. But, I don’t believe there’s really anything “unique” about me and my success, nor do I believe YOU need any certain skills/qualifications to be successful.
Yes, I have my Ph.D., but honestly, I know Masters’ level therapists charging more than I do.
Yes, I live on the West Coast where cost of living is high and many services are expected to be more expensive, but I also know therapists in rural towns earning close to half a million a year!
If anything, what’s notable about me and my journey is that I continue to invest in my businesses and learn from those therapists-turned-coaches who are already have wild successes.
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for therapists in private practice. It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!