Welcome, I'm Amanda
I'm excited you're here.
Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
Being a therapist was your dream ever since you could remember, but lately, you can’t remember why you chose this.
You used to show up to sessions ready to serve clients, but lately, you wake up hoping someone cancels or doesn’t show up to their session.
You watch the clock wind down every session, tired of hearing about people’s problem of the week, slightly annoyed that your client brought up the same thought pattern for the 87th time.
The imposter syndrome kicks in full force – you feel like you’re not effective and don’t know how to do your job (even though you’re extremely capable and have helped so many clients!), and you start thinking about how your clients need a really good therapist. Not the C- game you’ve been giving after your 6th client of the day.
And your personal life?
You barely function as a human: spending the first day of every weekend moving from the bed to the couch, staring off into space or mindlessly scrolling on your phone for hours at a time.
It’s not what you signed up for and it’s not why you became a therapist.
This version of you isn’t who you want to be and it’s not the example you want to set for your clients.
But, it doesn’t have to be this way. There’s a different version of you that you can step into.
A version where you prioritize your wellbeing, enjoy your work as a therapist again, AND have lots of breathing space to live your life.
This is exactly what therapy intensives can help you do.
Intensives can help you earn more, work less, enjoy your job again, and model for your clients how to take care of yourself.
Check out my free training on therapy intensives:
Catch ya next time!
P.S. I just got back from a trip to Italy, and therapy intensives helped me maintain my income this month, even with 2 weeks off.
I didn’t have to worry about jam-packing my schedule with clients before and after my vacation just to make ends meet.
You know how it goes… you schedule extra sessions around your vacation, start to feel overworked, and then feel like you need ANOTHER vacation even though you just took one.
Intensives changed the game for me because they give me time to nourish myself, have fun, and live my life.
And all of that helps me be a better therapist for my clients.
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for therapists in private practice. It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!