Welcome, I'm Amanda
I'm excited you're here.
Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
People always say that success in private practice is about “pushing through the hard times” or “just staying positive.”
But, if that’s all the guidance out there, then you’re left feeling really unsupported, right?!
What if you CAN’T just stay positive or keep pushing through?
This mindset can lead us to (re)create trauma in our businesses when we start telling ourselves:
“I’m only struggling a little. It’s all good! It was WAY WORSE at my last job!”
“I don’t need more time for self-care. I work from home all day, so it’s all good!”
“I’m not really trying to make a lot of money, so I don’t NEED to raise my rates, and it’s fine that I’m not really saving for retirement.”
I see you. I know that building a business is really really hard, and we set the bar really high for ourselves (heeyyyyy all my fellow overachievers!).
But, when it comes to private practice, it’s NOT about pretending you have it all together and masking the struggles.
In fact, it’s completely the opposite!
Running a successful, sustainable private practice requires you to acknowledge and address your struggles head-on. Just like we tell our clients who have a tendency to mask their emotions…
Embrace vulnerability and acknowledge when you need support.
Seek guidance from mentors or business coaches who have been in your shoes.
Prioritize self-care to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Delegate tasks that are draining your energy or taking up too much time.
Remember that it’s okay to ask for help and that you don’t have to do it all alone.
… Ok, yes, I hear you saying, “Those are great tips. But, it’s just not that simple.”
So, I want to help you make it THAT simple!
My business coaching program, the Thriving Trauma Therapist Blueprint, is specifically designed to make success in your business feel SIMPLE and to give you the support you need to work smarter, not harder!
Through a combination of…
Easily digestible video courses
Group and 1:1 coaching support
Mindset work
Done-For-You templates and resources
and so. much. more.
… you’ll have everything you need to create a better relationship with your business and with yourself. No more masking struggles because we’re going to call them out and work through them together!
How GREAT would it feel to have someone in your corner who understands how hard it is to build a private practice and can hold you accountable to making changes and avoiding burnout?
Here’s what a TTTB graduate had to say after her time in the program:
“Before [TTTB]: scared, overwhelmed, caught in old money patterns
After [TTTB]: empowered, focused, AIMING TO THRIVE AND NOT JUST SURVIVE!”
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and constantly trying to do a positive reframe, it’s probably time to re-evaluate what you’re doing in your business, how you’re doing it, and why!
Schedule a discovery call with me today, and we can chat about the struggles you’re having in your private practice. More importantly, we’ll talk about how you’re going to overcome those struggles in just a handful of months.
You’re not alone!
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for therapists in private practice. It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!