This program is going to knock. your. socks. OFF!!

Thriving Trauma Therapist Blueprint

An accelerated group coaching program to finally achieving the freedom, flexibility, and security you’ve been looking for in private practice.

Dear therapists, this is going to change your life.

You’ve spent way too much time scouring through all the Facebook groups and the free content on Instagram when what you really want is for some real, sustainable change to happen in your business NOW. But how do you learn how to do it all without spending an arm and a leg on all the coaching programs out there these days?

It’s about time you could learn exactly what you need to do to make the biggest changes to your practice, without all the headaches and budgeting that comes with it!

My signature coaching group is designed for therapists who want success ASAP in their business because, while they love their jobs, they also love having a personal life, too. So if you’re ready to go from frustrated, overwhelmed, burnt out, and in debt to confident, excited, and fulfilled…


You’re tired of struggling in your business.

  • Compassion Fatigue

    You’re feeling emotionally drained. You give and give to your clients (sometimes you give more than they do). You know you’re a good therapist, but you’re also tired from holding so much pain for everyone, especially when you don’t have much space for recharging yourself.

  • Burnt Out

    You’ve been questioning…

    “Do I even want to specialize in trauma anymore?”

    “Do I even want to be a therapist anymore?

    You’re tired of being tired, and need some things to change FAST.

  • Overwhelmed

    You’re tired of trying to manage it all, and ultimately feeling exhausted and underpaid. You’ve been questioning whether you even want to stay in private practice or move to some other type of work - in hopes that you won’t feel the overwhelm anymore.

You deserve to have a practice that works for you, charging the fee you need (or want) to charge, working the hours you want to work, and supporting clients you connect with and are excited to work with.

The fastest, most meaningful, most long-lasting ways to get there are:

  • a clear marketing plan (what are the options for marketing and what do you actually want to do)

  • good copywriting skills (how do you put the good work you do to words)

  • a solid understanding of SEO (why targeting marketing efforts that are free or low-cost benefit you long-term)

Whether you are new to private practice or have been in business for a while and are wanting to revamp things…

You’re in the right place.

That’s why you’re ready to revolutionize your practice. 



Thriving Trauma Therapist Blueprint

A 6-month group coaching program for therapists who want to create/revamp their website to be found more easily by ideal clients, develop/market/sell therapy intensive packages, and confidently overcome limiting beliefs.

If there were a mid-level business class for therapists, this would be it.


  • Erin Burton

    “If you are on the fence about working with Amanda, I strongly suggest that you take the leap. I was super nervous about spending so much money, but my investment has paid off. I've gained confidence, an abundance mindset, and clarity around what I want my business to look like. I have increased my fees and am consistently booking Brainspotting intensives since being in Amanda's coaching program. Amanda is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive, and responsive. The program has been so helpful and definitely worth the investment!”

  • Whit Davison

    “I can honestly say that participating in your Thriving Trauma Therapist Blueprint program provided me with everything I needed, and a lot I didn't know I needed, in order to be successful for the long term. You and your work have opened my eyes to all that my business can be, and all that *I* can be. THANK YOU!!!”

  • Liz Zhou

    “I like your can-do attitude & practical yet authentic approach to marketing, which also reflects your authentic personality. I feel like I can truly create the practice of my dreams. It's nice to see someone actually thriving and enjoying life as a therapist - makes me realize it's possible for me too and I don't have to settle for just scraping by. I basically feel more confident as an entrepreneur now - so even if there are problems or barriers, I have the clarity and skills to troubleshoot them.“

  • Elizabeth Trujillo

    “I love how you integrate so many components in your program. Not only do you help with marketing, but most importantly you make us challenge our thoughts around money and encourage us to charge our worth.”

  • Deserah Telles

    “You are the BEST coach I've had! I feel I am able to relate to you as a person, you break things down to where I can easily understand what I need to do and how to do it. I feel like in this program you consider all aspects of a therapist, which is primarily based on your on journey of trial and error, which I love. You literally have helped me work smarter, not harder.“

  • Kimberly Moore

    “The group has been so super helpful. It’s great to hear from others and feel like “well if they can do it, so can !” I’m much more confident.”

Sounds like just what you need? Here’s what you get when you sign up.

    • Condensed learning on all topics relevant to therapists in private practice: marketing (SEO, setting up your website), copywriting (putting the amazing work you do to words that convert clients), adding therapy intensives to your services, and leveraging AI to help you work smarter not harder ($6,200 value)

    • Lifetime access to recorded self-paced lessons (50 and counting!) and any updates, including after you’ve ended your time in the program ($1,497 value)

    • 2 group coaching calls a week via Zoom with laser-focused coaching to discuss marketing, copywriting, money mindset, and business boundaries ($12,000 value)

    • 3 individual coaching calls via Zoom for further, individualized support on your needs and goals ($3,000 value)

    • Focused mindset work to overcome limiting beliefs related to money and imposter syndrome (priceless)

    • Remove any money blocks or symptoms of imposter syndrome so you can calmly and confidently work towards expanding your services and making more money, launching you forward in your business and your life (priceless)

    • Exclusive VIP community for support just like you so can get your questions answered between calls and so you don’t feel alone in this process ($897 value)

    • Monthly group Brainspotting techniques to help you drop into your body and intuition, increase your trust and belief in yourself, decompress, and expand into your growth possibilities ($1,350 value)

    • Monthly money mindset workshops to help you overcome any fear, guilt, or shame associated with the idea of making MONEY as a therapist ($2,100 value)

    • Monthly holistic interactive workshops to help your new mindset shifts STICK ($2,100 value)

  • In today's digital age, a therapist's website serves as their storefront, reception desk, and billboard all rolled into one. It's often the first point of contact for potential clients seeking support. This module equips you with the tools and strategies needed to transform your website into a powerful marketing tool.

    By optimizing design, content, and user experience, you can attract your ideal clients and convey your unique approach effectively. Through personalized guidance and actionable steps, my program ensures you not only stand out in the crowded online space but also build meaningful connections with those seeking your services.

  • Understanding the effectiveness of marketing efforts is crucial for therapists looking to grow their practice. This module dives deep into developing tracking systems that provide valuable insights into the performance of various marketing channels.

    By implementing robust tracking mechanisms, you can identify what strategies are driving results and where adjustments are needed. My program empowers therapists to make data-driven decisions, optimize your marketing efforts, and ultimately, achieve sustainable growth in your practice.

  • Streamlining the client booking process is essential for therapists looking to enhance their practice's efficiency and client experience. This module focuses on integrating online scheduling systems seamlessly into your website.

    By offering clients the convenience of booking appointments online, you can reduce administrative tasks and focus more on delivering quality care. My program guides therapists through selecting the right scheduling software, customizing it to fit your practice needs, and maximizing its benefits to streamline operations and improve client satisfaction.

  • Creating valuable content through blogging not only establishes therapists as trusted authorities in their field but also boosts their visibility in search engine results.

    This module delves into the fundamentals of blogging for SEO, equipping you with the skills to create engaging and informative content that resonates with their target audience. My program provides step-by-step guidance on content ideation, keyword research, and optimization techniques to help you climb the ranks on search engine results pages and attract organic traffic to your website.

  • A well-optimized Google Business Profile is essential for therapists to enhance their online presence and attract local clients. This module guides you through the process of creating and optimizing their Google Business Profile to increase visibility in local search results. From crafting compelling descriptions to managing reviews and leveraging additional features, my program ensures therapists make the most out of this powerful tool to connect with potential clients in your area and establish trust and credibility.

  • Understanding website performance and user behavior is key to refining marketing strategies and driving meaningful results. This module explores the functionalities of Google Analytics and Search Console, empowering therapists to gain actionable insights into your website's traffic, engagement, and search performance.

    Through in-depth tutorials and practical exercises, my program demystifies these powerful analytics tools, allowing you to track your progress, identify opportunities for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your online presence and grow your practice.

Module 1: Marketing

  • Effective SEO keyword research is the cornerstone of a successful online presence for therapists. This module dives deep into the process of identifying the most relevant and valuable keywords for your specific niches and target audiences.

    By understanding the language and intent of potential clients, you can optimize your website content to rank higher in search engine results and attract qualified leads. My program equips you with the tools and techniques needed to conduct comprehensive keyword research, uncover hidden opportunities, and strategically integrate keywords into your website to increase visibility and drive organic traffic.

  • Building a professional and SEO-friendly website can be daunting for therapists without technical expertise. This module offers you a turnkey solution by providing a pre-designed Squarespace template with built-in SEO strategy.

    My carefully crafted template not only offers a visually appealing and user-friendly design but also incorporates best practices for search engine optimization. With easy customization options and step-by-step guidance, you can quickly launch a polished website that not only showcases your expertise but also ranks well on search engines, saving time and ensuring a strong online presence from the start.

  • The homepage is the virtual front door of your practice, often serving as the first impression for potential clients. This module focuses on the essential elements of a compelling homepage that captures visitors' attention and communicates the therapist's unique value proposition effectively.

    From crafting engaging headlines and compelling calls-to-action to optimizing layout and navigation, my program guides you through the process of creating a homepage that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to explore further. By mastering homepage basics, you can leave a lasting impression and increase the likelihood of converting visitors into clients.

  • Clear and compelling service and specialty pages are vital for therapists to showcase their expertise and attract clients seeking specific support. This module delves into the strategies for creating impactful service and specialty pages that resonate with potential clients and highlight your unique offerings.

    Through expert guidance and examples, you’ll learn how to effectively communicate the benefits of your services, address client pain points, and differentiate yourself from competitors. Myy program ensures you have the tools and techniques needed to create persuasive and informative pages that drive conversions and help you connect with your ideal clients.

  • While external marketing efforts are essential, leveraging marketing tactics within the website itself can further enhance a therapist's online presence and drive conversions. This module explores various strategies for integrating marketing tactics seamlessly into your website to engage visitors and encourage action.

    From persuasive copywriting techniques to strategic placement of calls-to-action and lead magnets, my program equips you with the tools to optimize your website for maximum impact. By implementing these tactics effectively, you can nurture relationships with potential clients, increase conversions, and ultimately, grow your practice.

Module 2: Your Website

  • Effectively marketing therapy intensives requires a strategic approach that highlights the unique benefits and value proposition of this intensive format. This module delves into specialized marketing strategies tailored to promoting therapy intensives, such as emphasizing the accelerated progress and deep transformation clients can experience.

    You’ll learn how to craft compelling messaging, target your ideal audience, and utilize various marketing channels to attract clients to your intensive programs. Through practical guidance and case studies, my program equips you with the tools and techniques needed to effectively market therapy intensives and maximize your reach and impact.

  • Determining the right pricing structure for therapy intensives requires careful consideration of factors such as session duration, therapist expertise, and client outcomes. This module guides you through the process of pricing therapy intensives in a way that reflects the value they provide while remaining competitive in the market.

    You’ll learn how to calculate your costs, set your rates, and communicate the value proposition of your intensives to clients. My program empowers you to confidently price your therapy intensives in alignment with your worth and income goals ensuring you achieve financial sustainability while delivering exceptional value to your clients.

  • Therapy intensives require a unique approach to preparation, both for therapists and their clients, to ensure a productive and successful experience. This module explores strategies for you to prepare themselves mentally, emotionally, and practically for conducting intensive therapy sessions.

    Additionally, you’ll learn how to effectively prepare your clients for the intensity and depth of the therapeutic process, setting clear expectations and addressing any concerns or questions they may have. Through role-playing exercises, self-reflection, and client communication techniques, my program equips you with the skills and confidence needed to facilitate transformative therapy intensives that yield profound results.

  • Navigating insurance and paperwork requirements for therapy intensives can be complex, requiring therapists to ensure compliance while maximizing reimbursement and efficiency. If you choose to remain in-network, you’ll need to be mindful of the ways therapy intensives can and can’t work in the insurance model.

    This module provides you with practical guidance on managing insurance billing, documentation, and administrative tasks specific to therapy intensives. You’ll learn how to streamline paperwork processes and communicate effectively with clients regarding payment options and reimbursement. By giving you all the paperwork you’ll need to get going, my program helps you navigate the administrative aspects of therapy intensives with confidence, allowing you to focus more on delivering quality care and facilitating transformative experiences for your clients.

  • Effectively managing payment for therapy intensives involves establishing clear policies, communicating expectations, and facilitating seamless transactions with clients. This module delves into best practices for managing payment processes, including setting up payment plans, collecting deposits, and handling cancellations and refunds.

    You’ll learn how to navigate financial conversations with clients sensitively and ethically, ensuring transparency and mutual understanding throughout the payment process. Through practical exercises and case studies, my program equips you with the skills and strategies needed to manage payment for therapy intensives with professionalism and integrity, fostering trust and satisfaction among your clients.

Module 3: Therapy Intensives

  • Effective copywriting is the linchpin of successful communication for therapists, allowing them to connect with potential clients on a deeper level and convey the value of their services with clarity and empathy. This module focuses on the nuances of copywriting specifically tailored to therapists, teaching you how to craft compelling and authentic messaging that resonates with your target audience.

    From writing engaging website content to crafting persuasive email campaigns and social media posts, my program provides you with the skills and strategies needed to communicate your expertise and connect with clients in meaningful ways.

  • Mastering copywriting frameworks provides therapists with a systematic approach to crafting persuasive and impactful messaging across various marketing channels. This module introduces you to proven frameworks and formulas that guide you through the process of structuring your copy for maximum effectiveness.

    Whether creating website content, blog posts, or advertising campaigns, you’ll learn how to leverage frameworks such as PAS (Problem, Agitation, Solution) to captivate your audience and drive desired outcomes. With practical examples and hands-on exercises, my program empowers you to become confident and skilled copywriters, capable of engaging and converting your audience effectively.

  • Incorporating AI technologies as a baseline in copywriting empowers therapists to streamline their content creation process, enhance personalization, and optimize performance. This module explores the various ways you can leverage AI tools and platforms to augment your copywriting efforts.

    From generating data-driven insights to automating repetitive tasks and improving content relevance, you learn how AI can serve as a powerful ally in your marketing endeavors. My program equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the potential of AI effectively, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve, increase efficiency, and deliver exceptional results in your copywriting efforts.

Module 4: Copywriting

Module 5: Mindset Work

  • Developing a healthy and empowering relationship with money is essential for therapists to thrive both personally and professionally. This module delves into the intricacies of money mindset, helping you uncover and address any limiting beliefs or negative associations you may have around money.

    By reframing your perspectives and cultivating abundance mindsets, you can overcome financial barriers, embrace your worth, and confidently pursue your goals. My program provides practical tools and techniques to help you shift your mindset, align your financial beliefs with your aspirations, and ultimately, achieve greater financial success and fulfillment in your practices and lives.

  • Understanding the impact of financial and intergenerational trauma is crucial for therapists to effectively support clients navigating these complex issues. This module explores the legacy burdens of financial trauma and intergenerational patterns that can perpetuate cycles of scarcity, shame, and dysfunction.

    You’ll learn how to recognize and address these underlying dynamics with sensitivity and compassion, empowering clients to heal and transform your relationship with money. Through discussions and therapeutic techniques, my program equips therapists with the knowledge and skills needed to guide themselves (and then their clients) toward healing, resilience, and financial well-being.

  • Imposter syndrome can be a pervasive challenge for therapists, undermining their confidence and inhibiting their ability to fully step into their roles as healers and leaders. This module offers your practical strategies for identifying, understanding, and overcoming imposter syndrome.

    By reframing self-doubt, challenging negative self-talk, and cultivating self-compassion, you can break free from the overwhelming nature of imposter syndrome and reclaim your sense of competence and worth. My program provides you with the tools and support you need to recognize your unique strengths, embrace your expertise, and confidently pursue your professional aspirations with authenticity and resilience.

If you thought that was it, you’re in for a surprise.

Because when you sign up today, you’ll also get…

  • A (mostly) Done-For-You SEO-optimized Squarespace template with prompts get your new website up ASAP ($297 value)

  • A calculator to determine your fees for therapy intensives (priceless for every time it saves you having to do math on the spot!)

  • Done-For-You SEO Keyword Research and Google set up to get you ranking on your ideal niche and location ($597 value)

  • Plug-and-play AI templates for your website page copy to convert clients (and so that you get your pages up WITHOUT facing blank page paralysis) ($97 value)

  • Done-For-You copy to include in your informed consent forms & documentation ($297 value)

  • Scripts for your Psychology Today & to propose intensives to current clients ($197 value)

“I’m interested in seeing if this is the program for me… What’s next?"

  • Head over to the Contact page , where you’ll head to a link for my scheduler. Pick a time that meets best for you, and then fill out a short discovery call form to give me some more information about where you’re at in your business, including goals for the future!

  • We’ll meet for about 20 minutes so we can learn more about one another and see if we’re a good fit to work together.

  • If this sounds like the perfect support you’ve been looking for, you’ll pick a start date within the next month and you’ll be ready to join!

Erin Burton, program participant

"I'm pretty impressed, and I'm super excited! Your program worked! … I would definitely recommend the program! Amanda is super knowledgeable and very responsive. The program has been very helpful and worth the investment to me!”

Erin booked her first intensive 6 weeks into the program and about a month after adding intensives to her website.

How my program will save you time, money, and headaches

You could keep trying to do this on your own…

…but it’ll take you much longer to achieve your goals, and you’ll keep getting closer and closer to burn out.

You could keep investing in one program at a time…

…but it’ll cost you a lot more money, take a lot more time, and feel a lot less integrated.

You could keep holding yourself back in your own business (and your life)…

… but you deserve so much more than that!! And it’s closer to reality than you may think.

Here’s everything you’ll get inside of the Thriving Trauma Therapist Blueprint:

  • 6 months of live coaching, support, and feedback from me and guest coaches ($12,000 value)

  • Hotseat review of website and business assets ($2,500 value)

  • Between session coaching and support ($2,500 value)

  • 3 1:1 coaching calls ($3,000 value)

  • Monthly Brainspotting experientials to overcome mindset blocks ($1,350 value)

  • Monthly money mindset workshops ($2,100 value)

  • Monthly holistic interactive workshops to help your new mindset shifts STICK ($2,100 value)

  • Lifetime access to the TTTB Video Vault ($1,497 value)

  • Exclusive VIP member community ($897 value)

  • A new Squarespace template that is loaded with best practices for SEO ($297 value)

  • Audit of your website and Google Analytics and Search Console set up ($297 value)

  • DFY SEO Keyword Research to get you ranking on your ideal niche and location ($397 value)

  • Tons of DFY and fill-in-the-blank scripts & templates ($597 value)

  • PAY-IN-FULL BONUS! Extra 1:1 w/ Amanda ($1,000 value)

  • A RETURN ON INVESTMENT GUARANTEE! How can I offer a guarantee? Because I am so confident in my ability to help you and I am so committed to your success. I earned $50k+ in my first year of offering therapy intensives. I have multiple consultations for them every week, and I’m booked up months in advance. I know you can do this, too, and I KNOW I can help you get there!

Seriously, the support in this program is unparalleled! Alongside the content of everything included, this program is valued over $29,532!



$8,982 $8,000

+ Pay-in-Full Bonus: Extra 1:1 with Amanda

*Payment options available through Klarna, Afterpay, & PayPal Credit

^Equity rates available for BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ therapists




First payment is due when you join

*This boils down to about $140 per LIVE coaching hour!

^Equity rates available for BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ therapists

Are you kidding me?! Sign me up!

  • "I was super nervous about spending so much money, but I’ve gained a ton of confidence and plan to be completely private pay sometime next year!"

    Erin Burton

  • "I have seen an improvement on scaling my visibility online through SEO. My website improved drastically from your coaching."

    Deserah Telles

  • "[Working with Amanda has] definitely helped me see that all of this can be broken down into easily manageable parts that even I can do."

    Sara Walter Shihdanian

  • "I am working smarter, not harder, on ongoing marketing projects such as blogs and IG. I feel optimistic and positive about my future business plans and my ability to thrive as a trauma therapist."

    Liz Zhou

  • “Put me down as another Amanda KB fan! I’m a year into private practice and I really don’t know where my business would be without her knowledge.”

    Caryn Zaner

  • "I've been working with Amanda KB and she has been awesome so far!"

    Justine Cuthbertson

  • “Amanda’s guidance and encouragement has helped me feel more confident that I can build my own practice with the skills and tools I already have."

    Suki Athwal

Worried you won’t find success from my program, and hesitating to make the investment?

I get it. I’ve purchased programs that have been (and are still) sitting in my bookmarks waiting to be completed…

The live group and individual coaching of this program make it different.

I feel pretty confident you’re going to keep making your return on investment over and over and over.

That’s why I have a return on investment guarantee in my program! How often do you see that in coaching programs??

Have we met yet? I’m Amanda, and here’s why I can help.

My anxiety brain has a mindset of just jumping into things, and that means when I was starting off creating my practice, I just jumped in! And then when I felt stuck in how to get my practice where I wanted it to be, I jumped into some coaching from other experts.

My “let’s just do it” attitude has led me to learn A LOT about what it takes to run a successful private pay practice…

In my first full year of private practice, I made $182k by seeing an average of 14 clinical hours per week. About $52k came from therapy intensives.

You deserve to have a balanced workload, a practice that is financially secure, and a life that is FULL!

I want to share everything I’ve learned with you so that you can make that possible!

This program isn’t for everyone!

You have to be ready to:

  • JUMP IN and ASK FOR HELP! - this is an accelerated program; you are absolutely capable of doing everything you need to make big moves in your practice, but you HAVE TO be willing to admit where you’re stuck or struggling. Sometimes just checking something off the to-do list isn’t enough! There’s no shame in that.

  • Challenge yourself! - you’re going to be challenged to think differently about money and the mental health care system (and your role in it); you might also connect some dots between some business decisions and some stuck points in your personal life

  • Just put SOMETHING out there! - you wouldn’t be where you are if you weren’t a high-achieving perfectionist; that won’t necessarily fly here because sometimes we just have to put something out there and learn what doesn’t work instead of being paralyzed to put anything out there (because then literally it has no chance to work).


  • This program is right for you if you need (and want!) to learn all things marketing (website, SEO, sustainable & authentic strategies, etc. etc.), copywriting (frameworks, when and how to use AI and NOT sound like AI), therapy intensives (individual and couples), and you’ve got some limiting beliefs around money and whether you can be a successful business owner or therapist worthy of a premium fee.

    This program is right for you if you need more live support and coaching (aka, you can kind of learn from free materials and watching videos, but you also need someone to slowly guide you through something).

  • Truly, this is a “what you put in is what you get out” kind of situation.

    If you go pedal to the metal and dive into the videos, utilize the coaching time, and make changes within the first month of the program, it’s highly likely you’re going to start earning your investment back quickly!

    If instead you take some time to work through things (or life just gets chaotic and slows down your progress), there’s no rush - but you just may not see your ROI kick in yet.

  • You get LIFETIME access to the videos, including any updates.

    You get 6 months in the program, and just in case that wasn’t enough time and you don’t meet your $3k return on investment guarantee - you can stay in the group coaching calls for as long as you need until you do hit that point (playing by the honor system here!).

  • More support is never a bad thing!! If you’ve met your ROI guarantee and you’d still like to stay in the group, you can for a monthly fee.

  • If you choose to sign up for the group, you can pick your start date so that you have time to rearrange your schedule to better accommodate the calls.

    Otherwise, you can submit any questions prior to the call and I will answer them on the call. All calls are recorded so that you can watch them back to see your question answered, as well as see other questions that were answered.

  • Nope! I know how ineffective group coaching programs can feel when they’re too big and you can't actually get your questions answered. Because there are multiple coaching calls per week, there are typically less than 10 people on each call.

  • The group is open enrollment which means there is no start time - you choose when you’re ready to join!

  • Nope! This program is just geared towards trauma therapists because that’s my own clinical speciality and my coaching niche, but everything inside applies to any therapist.

    And no, you don’t need to live in a “rich” area to see the successes of what this program offers. Your intensive therapy rate might be comparatively lower to someone else’s to account for cost of living, but this program is also generally about how to help you get better found by better-fit clients and avoid burn out in the process!

  • Yes! There are also options to pay through "Buy Now Pay Later" platforms like Afterpay, Klarna, and PayPal Credit.

  • I am SO confident that my methods will work for you that I offer a $3,000 return on investment guarantee!

  • If you identify with an underrepresented group, such as (but not limited) to therapists of color, you will receive an additional discount off of the program price.

Phew! You’ve read through a lot. You might as well…


No strings attached - I’m not scary, I promise! You might even get to see one of my cats.