Welcome, I'm Amanda
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Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
Today, I want to address a topic that often brings up a lot of mixed feelings among therapists: setting premium fees for our services.
Recently, a lot of therapists have asked me what “types” of clients pay me $400-500/hr for therapy… assuming that my answer would be “lawyers, surgeons, and people who work at Apple or Google.” Or, in other words, people who are making wild amounts of money that most of us can literally only dream of.
But guess what?!
My clients aren’t the ultra-wealthy 1%. They’re regular, everyday people—other therapists, folks in the cosmetic industry, local artists, people who work in higher education, retirees, and other small business owners. Typically, they earn between $60k-150k/year, have crappy in-network benefits but good out-of-network benefits, or they’re just seeking something different from the traditional therapy offerings (i.e., 45-minute weekly meetings).
Now I know what you might be thinking…
“So… they’re not the 1%, but they can afford to pay you $500/hr every week just because they have good OON benefits??”
Actually, no.
On average, clients invest around $2k to work with me. My therapy intensives are designed as a short-term model aimed at providing faster relief and symptom reduction than traditional therapy models. This means people aren’t paying me $400-500/hr every week for years.
Yes, of course, even $2k is an investment. There’s no denying that. AND…
It’s a common misconception that premium fees and services are only for “the 1%.”
Can “the 1%” afford these services without even thinking about it? Sure, I guess. (Again, these aren’t my clients!)
But, a lot of people will choose to invest in a premium price when it offers them something different and effective. This isn’t just about money; it’s about value and outcomes. (Intensives do actually SAVE people money in the long run, though!)
Those who can pay out-of-pocket or by using OON benefits will. Those who need to use in-network benefits won’t, and that’s okay.
There’s enough therapists to go around—but there won’t be if we keep working ourselves into the ground because of financial insecurity.
Putting this kind of content on social media often causes a uproar of judgment and bullying. People will say things like, “You’re going to run yourself out of business with those fees!” To which my response is:
My therapy income for 2024 YTD is $87,564.
Far from going out of business, I’m thriving because I know a lot about marketing, SEO, and copywriting that speaks to the pain points of my ideal clients.
Years of investment in training and marketing have positioned me as an expert. Clients see me as present, focused, and extremely caring—not a run-down therapist exhausted from seeing seven clients a day and battling insurance companies.
This presence and availability to be flexible are why clients choose to work with me, even if it means carrying a credit card balance until their OON reimbursement kicks in.
I recognize that the people criticizing me probably haven’t done much work on their mindset around money and may be operating from a place of fear or scarcity…
… but those comments can sure make us second-guess ourselves and our choices, right?!
I want you to know that it is possible to raise your fees, work less, continue building your practice, AND do better clinical work, all at the same time!
If you find yourself inspired to charge more—not out of love for capitalism, but because you see higher fees as a way to…
🤗 Volunteer more or offer more low/pro bono slots without taking on financial stress
💗 Donate time/money to important causes
⬇️ See fewer clients, avoid burnout, and stay in the field longer
💰 Finally take care of your financial debts and alleviate financial stress
…then you’re in the right place.
The therapists I work with are often shocked when clients stay after they get off their insurance panels or raise their rates. They’re even more shocked when new clients pay double what insurance ever would!
Trust me – there are many, many clients who are willing to pay a premium fee for quality care.
1. Your expertise has value: You’ve invested time, money, and effort into your education and training. Your skills and knowledge are worth the fee you set.
2. Self-care is non-negotiable: Charging a fee that allows for a sustainable schedule ensures you can provide the best care to your clients without burning out.
3. Boundaries foster quality care: Setting the right fee helps you maintain a balanced practice, ensuring each client receives your full attention and expertise.
Cheering you on!
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for therapists in private practice. It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!