Welcome, I'm Amanda
I'm excited you're here.
Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
Business coaches always say that sustaining a successful private pay practice is about showing up. CONSISTENTLY.
But, I understand how overwhelming and exhausting that feels. We already show up for our clients, and now we have to show up in our business, too?!
Plus, where’s the balance between setting boundaries for your well-being and consistently showing up online for your practice? Right?
I hear you.
And, I can honestly tell you that after two years of showing up on Instagram (starting with my therapy account), it’s no cakewalk, BUT it’s also not impossible.
So, how can you work on showing up more in your business (as a means to build or sustain your private pay practice) WITHOUT feeling like you’re wasting a ton of time and energy?
First, you have to get clear on HOW and WHY you want to show up. What’s your end goal? More clients? Growing a new service? And, who’s your target audience?
Maybe all you want to do right now is add more photos and an intro video to your website to help potential clients connect with you before a consultation call.
Or, maybe you plan to schedule out one Instagram post a week that explains a newly added service in your practice.
Maybe you just want to provide some therapeutic content to promote self-discovery and healing in a different way than you’re used to.
Wherever you start, having a goal in mind can make showing up feel more tangible, and it’s usually more effective, too.
Second, you’ve got to get really good at taking risks and being vulnerable (the same things we encourage our clients to do).
It can be really scary to put yourself out there, but when you realize that you’re criticizing yourself more than your audience will be, you’re going to realize that you’re actually doing a SERVICE to others by showing up, in whatever way you choose.
How many times have you heard a client say that someone on TikTok inspired them to reflect on their dysfunctional family and seek out therapy?
Or you see the millions of followers on self-help Instagram pages?
People can benefit from your wisdom and knowledge, and YOU’LL benefit from sharing it, too. Building connections on online platforms is happening more than EVER right now — so, take advantage of that!
Those views and likes and follows WILL convert to clients, ultimately creating/growing the sustainable private pay practice that you’re needing.
Will it be easy? Nope. Will it be worth it? Absolutely!
Are you needing some support in deciding how/where to show up in your business? Schedule a discovery call to chat about how we can tackle it together!
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for trauma therapists in private practice.It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!