Welcome, I'm Amanda
I'm excited you're here.
Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
We really don’t go into this field planning to make money, right?! We go into it because we want to help people.
Of course, you want to be accessible for clients and help as many people as possible, but…
The world is expensive.
You should be able to schedule in time for self-care without stressing about lost income.
You WILL burn out if your time, presence, and knowledge isn’t valued (by a reflection of your fees).
Therapy intensives are a GAME CHANGER for your practice, and especially, your income.
By nature, intensives are a premium service – they allow clients to skip the waitlists of traditional therapy and to experience accelerated healing. Plus, it requires a lot of a therapist to hold a therapeutic space for an extended period of time. You deserve to be compensated for that!
How much you charge is going to depend on several factors –
How many hours are you meeting?
Are you meeting for one or multiple days?
Are you renting an office space for the intensive?
Are you meeting outside of your normal office hours (like prime time evenings or weekends)?
PLEASE don’t take your hourly rate and double it ($150/hr, so $300 for a 2hr intensive, for example). This is NOT working smarter; it’s just working more!
My guidance for people is 20-50% more than your hourly rate, but you choose what works for you!
I charge 20% more if it’s during routine work days/hours (Monday-Thursday), and I charge 50% more if it’s outside of those days/hours.
My 50-minute rate is $275, which makes my 60-minute rate $330. So, my intensive rates calculate out to:
20% more = $396/hr
50% more = $495/hr
Charging these premium fees has freed up so much time, space, and energy in my business and personal life. I’m not constantly worried about making ends meet, and I have time for ME. I can schedule in self-care, invest in business coaching, take time off, and outsource administrative tasks.
Higher rates don’t make me inaccessible. They make me accessible in other ways (that don’t cost me my financial security)!
If you’re interested, I’m now selling my rate calculator that I use at every intensive consult. It help me give clients an exact estimate for their intensive package right on the call, and helps me consistently re-evaluate “How much would it take to get me off the couch on a Saturday?”
It’s just $2 and is such a great tool for your business – check it out here!
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for therapists in private practice. It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!