Welcome, I'm Amanda
I'm excited you're here.
Welcome to my blog where you'll get all things business education and tips & tricks for your private practice business to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.
Over the past 18 months, I have helped countless trauma therapists increase their income in private practice.
Now, I don’t tell you this to brag. I tell you this because I want you to know:
In fact, that reality is much closer than you think.
But, therapists been conditioned to believe that we won’t make “a lot” of money in this field, and as a result, many of us have developed unhealthy mindsets around fees, income, and overall finances.
This, my friends, is where the work begins. If you want to increase your income, the first step is in mindset shifts around money!
To help you get started, I am sharing three things you need to master in order to maintain financial boundaries, set fees that value your services, and ultimately, foster a better relationship with money.
So let’s dive in.
Never assume what people can afford to pay for therapy. So often we think, “This person can’t afford my fees,” or “This person won’t book that intensive service.” But then, you actually ask the client, and they say, “That sounds great! Sign me up for it. Money’s not a problem.” I see this time and time again – in my own practice and with my coaching clients!
You have to get comfortable with charging your fee, even when your client is struggling with financial concerns. It’s easy for us therapists to go into “fix it” or “caretaking” mode, and we’re quick to offer a sliding scale or more “accessible” fees. But, remember that your client is choosing to invest in you. If they haven’t asked for a sliding scale, don’t offer it!
Stop thinking about providing “$X therapy.” You are providing the same therapy/skills whether you’re charging your client $20 or $300.
When you undervalue your services, you’re not just impacting your bottom line — you’re also diminishing the value of the support and guidance you provide.
Imagine the difference it would make if you stood firmly and confidently in your fees. Not only do you ensure that your practice remains sustainable, but you also reinforce the importance of prioritizing mental health. By valuing your time and expertise, you’re setting a powerful example for your clients to value themselves and their own well-being.
By setting not just livable but COMFORTABLE fees, we also support the next therapist looking to start a private practice and help them see what’s possible. After all, how many directory pages did YOU look at to determine your fee? Imagine being inspired by others and all therapists sending the message that entrepreneurship gets to be financially comfortable – not stressful.
Believe in the worth of your services, and trust that your clients do, too.
If you’re needing support in making some mindset shifts around money, schedule a Discovery Call with me. I love to chat about how my group coaching program can help you increase your income (significantly!) in just a matter of months!
Know that it IS possible for you to reach your income goals (however far away they may seem)!
(btw – she booked TWO 3-day intensives!)
Amanda KB Coaching offers business and mindset coaching for therapists in private practice. It’s time to stop recreating trauma in your business!